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Are You Living Your Life

On Purpose?

It starts with Self-Love.


Learn how to get out of your own way and make the difference you're here to make.

A Message From Dr. Carin to You


I have a vision to heal the world, and I know you do too. Join me in making that happen through the power of self-love. 

If you’re feeling called to up-level the healing work you do, but you struggle with confidence, you’ll need the support of love from within. 

Loving Yourself Whole is the key to you being the best version of yourself to more authentically embrace and follow your soul's purpose and more lovingly serve others. 

There is no better place to deepen your self-love than in a community of conscientious, soul-purpose driven coaches and healers truly bent on seeing who they are at their core and making a difference in the world through love. 

Let’s amplify the love our creator gave you so you can: 

√ Feel more connected, confident and less overwhelmed.

√ Truly see yourself as the coach/healer you are.

√ Visualize your life purpose to the fullest and help heal the world!

Let's Talk

Are You An Old Soul?

Old soul healers are deeply compassionate spirits with a strong desire to help others. 

If you’re a sensitive human with a dream of making a difference in the world that your heart just won’t let you ignore, then you’re an old soul. 

Being an old soul, you'd think life would be easier, but it has it's own unique challenges that can interfere with you accomplishing your soul's purpose. Register below to learn what those five challenges are and how to overcome them. 


Learn the Five Unconscious Saboteurs of the Old Soul

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Ways to Work with Dr. Carin:

Loving Yourself Whole 
6 module, self-paced, on-line Program

Learn the spiritual "science" behind the questions of who you are, why you're here and why life has so many challenges. Then use this information to more deeply love who you are so you can effectively accomplish the goals your soul has for this life.

Learn More
21 Day Self-Love Challenge
Are you tired of the negative self-talk that you know isn't serving you?
In 3 short weeks, with a program design specifically for the old soul, you'll learn to deepen self-love through explorations of Discovering Who You Are in week one, Releasing Fear and Suffering in week two, and Uncovering Your Purpose in week three.
Learn More
1-on-1 coaching

Self-love is a deeply personal, spiritual process that can be waylaid by fear in so many confusing and confounding ways. Dr. Carin is dedicated to helping heal the world through self-love, most especially with those who have a passion for healing others that is so strong it often bypasses their own self-loving practices. Schedule a FREE 30-mintute call with her to discover how you can uplevel your self-love game, and how doing so will help you love more and heal more, for you and those around you.

Schedule a 1:1 call

I’m so happy you’re here!

As recovering people-pleaser, I love the idea of people wanting to get to know me. As a self-love practitioner, I revel in the energy of universal, unconditional love from which we are all created, and I’m tickled that you’re interested in my journey from one to the next. Could it be that you are here to contemplate your own journey?

I truly hope so.

I’ve spent much of the last ten years in a deep dive into my self-love journey. It began very slowly with a glimmer of quiet love gently nudging me to see my worth.

Read my story

The latest from my blog 

Defining Self-Love and Debunking the Myths

Jun 16, 2024

Why is Self-Love so Misunderstood?

Jun 21, 2024

The Importance of Boundary Setting

Jun 27, 2024

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